« Mondays on the prevention of psychosocial risks » The effects of hyper connectivity Marie Pezé Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert, Head of the “Suffering and Work” consultation network PRESENTATION PPT – FR « We are all hyper-connected in all areas of our lives, including at work, and the boundary between our private and professional […]
Read morePsychosocial risk
The unbearable subordination of employees Danièle Linhart Labour sociologist, Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS*, member of the GTM-CRESPPA* laboratory, UMR-CNRS-Universities of Paris 8 and Paris 10 * CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche scientifique (National Centre for Scientific Research), GTM-CRESPPA: Genre, Travail, Mobilités –Centre de Recherches Sociologique et Politiques de Paris (Gender, Work, Mobilities […]
Read moreBurn out, what are we talking about? Marie Pezé Doctor of Psychology, psychoanalyst, former legal expert, Head of the “Suffering and Work” consultation network Burn out evolves with the organisation of work A person who is subjected to too much work intensity for too long will eventually collapse. And this can have lifelong consequences Marie […]
Read moreR&D calls for putting the « HUMAN » At the heart of the Human Resources management of our Institution! 1st Part – Analysis of psychosocial risk factors in our services! You are the backbone of the institution and the European Union! Without you, the European project would never have evolved so well towards policies that serve citizens. […]
Read moreBrussels, 22 February 2021 Spacious individual offices, parking spaces and luxury chairs for managers and dynamic offices for staff “Leading by example” approach, the establishment of the ‘culture of trust’ advocated by Commissioner Hahn cannot remain a mere slogan, but must be accompanied by visible changes. Thank you for your support! So many of you […]
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